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Become a Corporate Partner!

Invest in our mission to empower students through access to period products!

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We invite you to become a partner and help our organization provide girls with the period products they need to restore dignity, increase confidence, and focus in the classroom for a better education and brighter future!


Financial Donations

One-time or recurring donations to support the Posh Pack mission of empowering students through period products.

Event Sponsorships

Funding for events and/or awareness campaigns around Menstrual Hygiene Day, Period Poverty Week, Women's History Month, etc.

Volunteer Programs

Company opportunities to create pad drives and host "posh packs" packing parties with employee volunteers for school donations.



Collaborating on marketing campaigns to promote your support of our cause to restore dignity, empower students, keep girls in class.  


As a registered and current 501c3 all donations are tax deductable.

Use of Logo


Use of the Posh Pack logo for employee and customer awareness internally and externally.

Employee Engagement


Volunteer opportunities for employees to be engaged and get involved.

Social Media Spotlight


Company and logo spotlighted on Posh Pack social media and website.

Co-branded Social Posts

$10,000+ donation co-branded Posh Pac social media posts raising awareness of your support 

We Need Your Support Today!

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